Athletic Information
The philosophy of extra-curricular activity programs is to provide wholesome, rewarding and stimulating opportunities for Sultan High School students. We believe extra-curricular activities provide students the opportunity to develop initiative, leadership, and responsibility. From these experiences a student will have the opportunity to build character and skills needed to lead successful, productive lives.
Cheer, Cross Country, Football, Girls Soccer, Volleyball
Basketball, Cheer, Wrestling
Baseball, Boys Soccer, Golf, Softball, Track & Field
To view the most up to date sports schedule, visit the Arbiter Live site.
Athletic Eligibility & Registration
Athletic Packets Must Be Completed Online through Final Forms.
Make sure you and your parents have active accounts in Power School and updated email information before the school-year ends.
Forms need to be completed by going to Final Forms and following the instructions provided on the link. Parents will need to create a New Parent Account in Final Forms to register their Student Athlete.
Go to the Parent Playbook and follow the instructions on how to create a New Account.
Once you have created your Parent Account you will then be directed to Register your Student Athlete.
ASB Card- Purchase once per year - $60
Sports Fee – (Football incurs additional cost) $75/1st Sport, $75/2nd Sport, $50/3rd Sport
Once your parent has created thier Parent Account in Final Forms, it will then generate a student email that will be sent to the students school email address. Students you will then need to follow the instructions on Final Forms to finish your registration.
Athletic Code of Conduct
Atletic Code of Conduct - English
Atletic Code of Conduct - Spanish