Sky Valley Options
2023-2024 Application now open!
Sky Valley Options High School Purpose Statement
Sky Valley Options High School encourages the highest educational opportunities that cultivate lifelong positive growth: socially, physically and intellectually.

Courses offered fulfill Sultan School District and Washington State graduation requirements. Credits are awarded based on successful completion of studies and activities addressing state and district benchmarks & objectives. The program is goal oriented while providing students with a friendly, congenial atmosphere. SVO is designed for students who may need extra support to be successful.
Student Success
Success at SVO is dependent upon significant parent/student involvement, an aspect which should be considered when seeking enrollment.
Sky Valley Options is a school of choice offered by Sultan School District to provide high school (9-12) students an alternative to the traditional high school program. The SVO Campus is located on the Sultan High School Campus. Courses offered fulfill Sultan School District and Washington State graduation requirements. Credits are awarded based on successful completion of studies and activities addressing state and district benchmarks & objectives. The school is goal oriented while providing students with a friendly, congenial atmosphere. The prime objective of SVO is to help students become self-sufficient and productive members of the community. SVO allows for flexibility in school scheduling and program delivery.
Alternative Learning Experience
The Sultan School District offers two alternative programs for students who seek an alternative route to the brick and mortar high school. Sky Valley Options High School is located on the Sultan High School Campus.
2023-24 School year Applications:
9-12 Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) Administrator:
Email Jason VanZant
Program Highlights:
Students must apply and have an Intake Interview with a parent or guardian present before acceptance into the program.
Students are expected to have a 90% attendance rate maintain program eligibility.
Work must be completed with 70% accuracy or better and 100% of the course work must be completed to earn credit.
In addition to monthly progress reports and face-to-face reviews, the teacher makes weekly progress reports.
Students will take SVO and SHS classes to fulfill a full day schedule based on graduation needs (dual enrollment).
Credit may be earned in four, nine week sessions compared to two eighteen week semesters.
Students may participate in extra-curricular activities at Sultan High School.